nanogen init
This will generate a brand new site in the current folder.
Note: It's advisable to run this command in a empty folder, as it may overwrite existing files.
nanogen start
The site will generated and served on a local server at http://localhost:3000. Any file modification will trigger a site rebuild automatically and the browser page will be refreshed.
By default it will look for the a configuration file named site.config.js
You can change the server port with the -p
nanogen start -p 5000
nanogen build
This will build the site and save the contents in /public
Note: the output folder will be cleaned and regenerated on every build. Do not put files there directly.
You can change the source and destination folders with a configuration file. By default, that file should be named site.config.js
Example config file:
export default {
build: {
srcPath: './src',
outputPath: './public',
If you want to use a different file name, it will have to be supplied to the nanogen
nanogen start -c my-config.js
Site metadata
The configuration file can have a site
entry, with additional data to be used in your pages:
export default {
build: {
srcPath: './src',
outputPath: './public',
site: {
title: 'My Awesome Site',
author: 'Mary Jane',
This data can be used inside the layout files or any EJS page. For example, the site title could be displayed in the header of the default layout:
<title><%= site.title %></title>
<%- body %>
Page specific metadata (front matter)
You can also have additional data on individual pages, in YAML format, like this:
title: My First Post
date: 2018-06-01
- games
- stuff
- tips
Contents of the page goes here...
Make sure this data is at the top of the page, separated by ---
. This block of page data is usually referred as front matter.
This data can also be used inside the layout, with the page
<h1><%= page.title %></h1>
<p>By <%= %></p>
<% if (page.tags) { %> <% page.tags.forEach(function(tag) { %>
<span><%= tag %></span>
<% }) %> <% } %>
Layouts are EJS files that hold the common parts of all pages, like header, navigation, footer.
Every layout must have a <%- body %>
tag to indicate where the page contents will be inserted. An minimalist layout example would be:
<title>My Site</title>
<%- body %>
The default layout is located at layouts/default.ejs
in the source folder.
Multiple layouts
Your site can have more than one layout. Each page that uses a different layout, should indicate that in the front matter, like this:
layout: minimal
Page contents
The page above would be created with the layout file located at layouts/minimal.ejs
The files that will generate the pages of your site must be located at the pages
folder. Inside that folder you can have any number of .ejs
, .md
or .html
files, and any number of sub folders. Each source file will generate a resulting html file, with the same folder structure, combining the layout structure with the page contents.
An extra folder will be created at the destination with the name of the original file (without extension) and the resulting page will be saved as index.html
inside that folder, except when the name of the original file is already index
. This simplify the URLs of the final site.
source folder | resulting site | URL to the page |
src/pages/index.ejs | /index.html | |
src/pages/ | /about/index.html | |
src/pages/projects.ejs | /projects/index.html | |
You can put reusable blocks of interface components in separate EJS files, and the import that files inside your layout or pages (only on EJS pages), like this:
<%- include('partials/head') %>
This will take the contents of the file partials/head.ejs
and insert at that location. The file extension can be omitted in the include
Note that the path to the partial file is relative to the source folder, no matter the location of the layout or page that is including it. In short, it always start with partials/...
Your site probably will have other kinds of static files like CSS, JS and images. If you put those files inside the assets
folder, they will be copied over to the output folder, maintaining the original file names and folder structure.